Resizebox latex. uk/9cmrsfd/no-module-xformers-proceeding-without-it-github.

Resizebox latex. I need it to refer to the last row only.

Stephanie Eckelkamp

Resizebox latex. Now it appear very small and I can't edit his size.

Resizebox latex. To so so, we have to use the command: \setlength{\tabcolsep}{dim} where dim is a valid LaTeX dimension. The figure is then inserted but its to big, i. Please post a comment if you need further explainations! Mar 20, 2022 · 4. How can we set some sort of relative width? Jul 31, 2018 · 2. Moreover, you have no real control on the outcome. Addendum: As you've noted in a comment, fitting your table into the available space doesn't look "nice", as the resulting font size is rather small. This example makes the graphic be a Sep 25, 2023 · Adjust the table width with \resizebox. TikZ can't change the catcode of the input anymore. , they differ "only" in their layouts): \\resizebox Synopses: \\resizebox{horizontal length}{vertical length}{material} \\resizebox*{horizontal length}{vertical length}{material} Given a size, such as 3cm, transform material to make it that size. @DavidCarlisle i find it a lot easier to write some r/python code to put a resizebox with \columnwidth around each table then figuring out the right text size for each table when working with a lot of tables – The problem is in the end-of-line characters after, for example, \providecommand\rotatebox[2]{#2}. Jun 20, 2020 · 2. Oct 16, 2013 · How can I resize (anamorphically) the contents of a box in plain TeX, that is, give it new width, height and depth? \setbox0=\hbox{Hello!} \copy0 % output at orig. Here is my example: \usepackage{makecell}%To keep spacing of text in tables. Instead, depending on the table's overall properties, use either a tabularx or a tabular* environment (with width set to \textwidth ). Note \operatorname or \mathrm instead of \text. 「\raisebox」コマンドの構文は以下の通りです。. I want to use something like \resizebox {\textwidth} {!} to shrink the longtable to the width of the page. May 20, 2020 · It really helps if you always provide a complete test document not a fragment, so that people can test answers (and know how big your page is, for example). If you insist on changing the font size of the table, do it manually, e. So, what is a proper way to resize a matrix that actually works? Nov 8, 2021 · Don't use \resizebox for elements which contain text, choose an appropriate font size instead. e. Feb 13, 2018 · This answer scaling latex objects advises to use \\resizebox to scale Latex objects. Apr 7, 2023 · To scale an equation in LaTeX, we use the \resizebox command: \resizebox {horizontal _ length}{vertical _ length}{custom _ equation} It has several parameters: horizontal_length is the desired width. Here the equation is wider than it need be as math italic spaces out the letters to make them a product of variables, not a word, with that change it already fits on the page, but the equation number is moved down, here I add an additional line break so that the equation number can stay centred. \begin{equation} \resizebox{0. Anyway, you need to define \rownumber also outside the table for the business to work. Jan 27, 2021 · 1. Synopses: \resizebox{horizontal length}{vertical length} {material} \resizebox*{horizontal length}{vertical length} {material} 给定一个尺寸,例如 3cm ,将 material 转换为该尺寸。如果 horizontal length 或 vertical length 是感叹号 ! ,则使用另一个参数来确定两个方向的比例因子。 Jan 18, 2015 · I want to display the floating objects in reduced size, when necessary to fit on one page. use resizebox, doesn't work for me. \adjustbox{width=\linewidth,trim=0. If the objective is "merely" to have the tabular material take up the full width of the (one- or two-column) text block, do not use \resizebox. SX, one better alternative to the command \resizebox is to use the adjustbox package. never use resizebox on tables just use a smaller font such as \small and reduce inter column spacing. Sep 25, 2023 · Learn how to adjust table width to the same as text width in LaTex using two methods, with resizebox command and tabularx environment. \begin{equation} x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x May 12, 2013 · What about automatically splitting the wide tables to parts just like on the good old 80 character wide VT100 terminals? This is usually a good practice for LaTex/docx/odt tables and set by default in pander: Sep 25, 2020 · Scaling equations makes incompatible font sizes and is usually best avoided. If what you want is to reduce the size of the font used in verbatim, you can use the fancyvrb package: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \begin{document} \begin{Verbatim}[fontsize=\small] This will be verbatim at \small size. com. A number of issues: Use $ $ for math content (this includes \frac, ^, _, ); Don't let $ $ straddle an alignment character &; Consider using siunitx for the placement of units; Use amsmath 's \text for text inside math mode; Consider using booktabs for horizontal rules in your tabular; Be careful of spurious spaces. It also removes the need of escaping the line breaks with % as seen in egregs answer, as the adjustbox environment removes the spaces added by them. However, each table is too wide, so I am using \resizebox. Is it possible to resize box without affecting the font size? Thanks in advance. Aug 31, 2018 · 2. Scaling elements which contain text is usually a bad idea, see Why not scale elements that contain text. landscape, a6paper, ]{scrartcl} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} Jan 20, 2022 · 2. @Fran - That syntax has no effect as part of the markdown package. \setcellgapes{4pt}%parameter for the spacing. }} を使用して、テキストの高さ+奥行きを 1/4 インチにし will not produce a table as long as the text heigth, because you are defining here only the height of the box, but in the starred form, it refers to the height + depth, that is: \resizebox*{!}{\textheight}{ } will make the table as long as \textheight (556. if your real table is not wider from that in your question, than the following measures fit your table in text width (so for it not need to use \scalebox ): \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{threeparttable} My question is similar to the one here as well as here, but for some reason the proposed solution i. \fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont . Here an alternative answer using adjustbox. Jul 5, 2017 · I took the idea of this command from here. #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{graphicx} #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex. png){widht=80%} but working or not in this way, you should consider the opposite strategy: use a Rmarkdown document, include some LaTeX if needed and then export to PDF via LaTeX conversion. The set_width () command unfortunately does not do the job. Improve this question. Background: TikZ makes & an active character inside a matrix which is let to \pgfmatrixnextcell. However, it doesnt seem to work well with xtable outside of simple cases, because xtable ends the custom environment right before the \end{table} , rather than right after \end{tabular} . However, copying the generated source code to your document is not convenient at all. Is it possible to apply this command directly on the whole set of equations? The code is as follow: \right) }{ c_{{1}}\sinh \left( \frac{1}{2}\,\sqrt {{. However, I've found the solution. So, I've decided to make only this page to landscape mode. Ahora se presentara un pequeño ejemplo con el fin de ilustrar el efecto del comando. We’ll use the graphicx package’s \resizebox command to achieve this. 9. It should scale the table as a whole and not just padding/margin of the cells. 5cm,bottom=3cm,hmargin=3cm]{geometry} Instead of trying to do math, I found \resizebox which does take dimensions (width and height). The figure environment is a floating environment. The problem with \split, however, is that the \tag refers to the whole \equation. Each separate visible element contained within a TeX document is contained within a box. clip the graphic. However, this approach fails when rescaling a listing in beamer: \\documentclass{beamer} \\usepackage{listings} 2. vertical_length is the desired height. The macro supports the all \includegraphics. In most cases it works OK, but when I have portrait-shaped objects, and landscape-shaped paper, it sets the width of the object to \textwidth and crops the bottom of the object. <コンテンツ>: 移動したいテキストやオブジェクトを指定します。. Jun 5, 2021 at 17:33. \resizebox. Share. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{algorithm,algorithmic,amsmath} ewcommand{orm}[2]{\lVert#1\rVert_{#2}} Jul 28, 2014 · Here's my MWE that utilizes tabularx but for some reason, I can't get the table sizing right. However, a tabular also has a depth (that is, it extends below the baseline), so we need \resizebox* in order to refer to the total height (height plus depth); I changed the last entry to show that the table fits completely. See my answer to Quickest way to include graphics for more explanation about scale vs. Oct 7, 2020 · Al least in Rmarkdown works the syntax ![caption](foo. There are three ways you can insert tables in Overleaf: Using the Insert table button in the editor toolbar. A set of environments which hold a single page must either be given as option value or declared using \standaloneenv{<envname Nov 25, 2018 · 0. スターなしフォーム \resizebox は vertical length をボックスの高さとしますが、スター付きフォーム \resizebox* は高さ + 奥行きとします。. I have a very long table which i decided to make smaller using scalebox (successfully) and also split into two pages using longtable. \adjustbox{〈key=value, 〉}{〈content〉} The \adjustbox macro allows the modification of general (L A)TEX content using a key=value syntax. Jul 14, 2017 · I would, though, use an instruction such as \renewcommand\arraystretch{2} to increase the separation between the rows. If we redefine this command and dimension in the document preamble, they will be changed throughout all the document. I provided a guess for the definition of orm and also a simpler way to input comments in the style you seem to prefer. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} % <- for \resizebox. \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\begin} {tabular}{cc} a&b\\. Writing the LaTeX code for the table in Code Editor. This will just scale the font without choosing a font of appropriate size. The ! for the height states that it should scale with the width. Dec 13, 2012 · 9. Mar 9, 2011 · That is, if the table or figure is larger than the current \linewidth, then the figure or table is automatically scaled down to fit \linewidth. It's better using a font size command. \bye. In my case, it was simply a tabular in a resizebox, with a missing \end{tabular}%. 正の値で上方向、負の値で下方向に移動します。. You can use the {adjustbox}{width=\columnwidth} environment from the adjustbox package instead. % code which resizes box 0. It must be clear and readable in the PDF. It's also not very efficient. I should mention that this is in a beamer document class. 使用方法. \Huge Text in Tabular touches table border. Both use a horizontal savebox to store and then scale the content. . } Es muy importante poner las llaves ya que estas delimitan donde tendrá efecto el comando. g. Apr 24, 2018 · I have a hunch that \scalebox and \resizebox-- both macros are provided by the graphicx package -- are what you're looking for. \label{Summary} \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{%. The results are as follows (the first horizontal line is there just to illustrate the width of the text block; the bodies of the four tables are identical, i. % \box0 % output with altered dimensions. Thinks very carefully before deciding to scale a table. \centering. While manual line breaks would be somehow possible (e. If either horizontal length or vertical length is an exclamation point ! then the other argument is used to determine a scale factor for both directions. I am now using \resizebox. \usepackage{makecell} Oct 30, 2017 · Please don't use resizebox for tables. Copying and pasting a table from another document while using Visual Editor. 08ex 0pt 0. Adding the missing \end{tabular} at the end of the resizebox fixed it. pgf} \end{figure} With \usepackage{pgf} in the preamble. \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,openright]{book} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[top=3. So, in case this helps anyone, first check that you do not have any missing \end{} statement somewhere. The first argument to \resizebox refers to the horizontal dimension (width) and the second one to the vertical dimension (height). It is based on the same graphicx code as \resizebox but allows for any content. Dec 17, 2018 · The issue is that it is too large, so I would like to resize the whole table to fit the page (so implicitly reducing the font size) such as would be done in latex by resizebox or similar. You could think that simply scaling up to the \textwidth is enough, but it’s not as you can see from the following “l” which was typeset using this code: \documentclass[. using some vertical stacked \hbox es), automatic line breaking only works when a specific width is given. Oct 8, 2016 · 9. My code looks like this: Jan 17, 2018 · As suggested by Martin Scharrer in a comment to this answer on TeX. (I mean then using arguments {!}{!} The unstarred form \resizebox takes vertical length to be the box’s height while the starred form \resizebox* takes it to be height+depth. You should be resizing the actual content (graphic) of the figure, not the floating environment. The \resizebox scales the box height, not the totalheight (height+depth) to the given value. The visual alignment can be made as perfect as you want it, although the selection from within the PDF Open this example in Overleaf. You can also use \dimexpr (see also Doing maths with distance values in LaTeX source code) or the calc package to subtract e. \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage{graphicx,xcolor} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage[centertags]{amsmath} 7. direct width/height. When not used in \resizebox, these end-of-line characters are ignored because TeX is in vertical mode; inside \resizebox TeX is in horizontal mode and they count as spaces. The better way to obtain a table whose width equals that of the textblock is to use a tabular* environment. To change the horizontal spacing of a beamer table, we have to change the \tabcolsep length of LaTeX. xyz threeparttable wants to see tabular and tablenotes at the outer level, not buried into adjustbox. If the matrix/the picture is now used in an argment, the usual problems occur. Glue is the TeX term for an invisible connector that determines the relative position of joined boxes. Mar 14, 2011 · This can be more useful for adjusting bigger graphics or pictures: \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{<content>} scales the content directly to the size of the main text. 85\width}{<contents>} because in this context \width refers to the width of <contents>. \usepackage[table,svgnames]{xcolor} % <- for \rowcolor. Jan 20, 2022 at 13:17. \end{multline} If you also need some alignment respect to the first part, you can use split: \begin{equation} \begin{split} Feb 7, 2022 · You can issue a \footnotesize instruction. For instance, a body text of 14pt is humongous and will make the scaled table disappear with respect to the text. If you use \paperheight in your command it works. Now it appear very small and I can't edit his size. A longtable inside a \resizebox will not be broken across pages. Jun 24, 2019 · Using a resizebox{} or defining a new environment with a resizebox{} works well for resizing a table, as @Marijn notes. I need it to refer to the last row only. A visible element can be a letter, image -- 解决方法:使用\resizebox{宽度}{高度}{对象}命令. I was personally also searching for this and couldn't find an answer anywhere. You need to load the package graphicx in the preamble (between \documentclass{} and \begin{document}) with \usepackage{} command, the following code works with no errors, even if the values of \resizebox are exaggerated: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} 2. . The adjustbox package supports a minipage=<length> key which 在使用Latex table/tabular制作表格时,一个常见问题是表格过长,超出页面宽度,无法完整显示表格内容,如图所示: 这里提供两种解决思路以供需要的读者参考。 方法1:使用resizebox放缩命令这里提供我经常使用的… Apr 7, 2017 · You can achieve the effect you want by using \textwidth in a relative, rather than an absolute, coordinate specification. First Jan 20, 2015 · You are using two \multicolum s in your first cell. 25in}{\parbox{3. Improve this answer. }}. You can do the same for the rotated figure as in normal portrait layout. Dec 11, 2020 · According to standalone bundle doc (v1. Jul 24, 2015 · After reading some other problems with about resizing or rescaling, I still cannot figure out why I cannot use \\ and \resizebox at the same time. I'm trying to figure out how to insert a resize command inside a table environment in org-mode that exports to latex, Here is my minimal example of raw latex source vs org-mode tables: #+LATEX_CLASS: article. You could use. LaTeX Font Warning: Command \scriptsize invalid in math mode on input line 16. Could you please implement longtable to my original table, while still using please in future provide complete small document starting with \documentclas{} followed only by the necessary packages, \begin{document} and your LaTeX code, then ending with \end{document}. The \thispagestyle{empty} is not ignored, but I think it is on the wrong page. 6. 8}{}, it can fit in the frame but doesn't look like to be centered in the frame. The former macro scales its main argument by a factor, relative to the "natural size" of the object. Remove the empty one and change your diagonal line to: ewcommand\diag[4]{%. \begin{table} Aug 31, 2021 · Horizontal spacing. If the table or figure fits within \linewidth without resizing, then leave as is. You can't have line breaks in this kind of boxes. Sep 7, 2016 · I insert the figure into Latex with the following: \begin{figure} \centering \input{test_fig. For the table at hand, line-breaking inside cells would appear Here is some variants how to modify horizontal and vertical size of your table: at tex. sidewaysfigure only rotates the figure and not the page, so the normal page distances are the same. 2. @daleif@David You are right. \resizebox{0. たとえば、 \resizebox*{!}{0. Anyway this shouldn't contain the caption, because captions should have the same size across the document. If your equation does not fit on a single line, then the multline environment probably is what you need: \begin{multline} first part of the equation \\. Should the table include verbatim or similar material than \resizebox isn't good enough. \end{adjustbox}. Jul 14, 2017 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Synopsis : \resizebox { longueur horizontale } { longueur verticale } { matière } \resizebox* { longueur horizontale } { longueur verticale } { matière } Étant donnée une taille, telle que 3cm, transforme le matière pour qu’il prenne cette taille. Without it we can only guess about your problem. 宽度可以指定,也可以使用latex自带的宽度命令,latex自带宽度命令: 此处引用@段丞博的文章: \hsize: 是 \TeX 中定义的长度,是一种叫做水平盒子的长度,它的主要作用是告诉TeX系统什么时候换行。 Dec 1, 2016 · Does anyone know how I can use \resizebox for an alignment of equations? Currently, I use \split instead or \align, because I don't know how to use \align in combination with \resizebox. That way, the numbers will be aligned on their respective decimal markers. \gdef\getfontsize{\f @size pt } \egroup. Mar 17, 2023 · I tried resizebox command at textwidth (0. Si soit longueur horizontale soit longueur verticale est un point d’exclamation ! alors l Jul 28, 2022 · LaTeX-设置表格大小,创建表格,设置表格的宽度。控制表格每一列的宽度,控制整个表格的宽度,设置表格的外观,LaTeX绘制三线表。本文介绍了LaTeX如何设置表格的大小、改变表格的外观以及如何绘制三线表。 Nov 21, 2018 · \begin{table*}[h!] \caption{list of unique effects on project plan with their descriptions} \label{tab:defination} \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{ \centering \begin{tabula Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn When the spaceing is set at a big enough distance, the text is centered, or at least seems like. However, no matter how hard I try, I cannot run those two things together. To scale the totalheight use the * version. If I use the \\scalebox{0. \end{tabular} so the argument of \resizebox is just \begin so at some point it will execute \begin divorced from the environment name tabular which is quite likely to generate multiple errors including missing csname. You could use some trimming from adjustbox to compensate for the reduced bounding box of certain letters - a font-specific attribute: \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{A LINE!}%. 3. The LaTeX code above accesses the current font size via an internal LaTeX variable called \f@size, whose value can be typeset using a macro, such as \getfontsize, which can be defined as follows: \bgroup \catcode `@=11. I know that the 'obvious' answer is to add more line breaks, but this doesn't really make sense for what I'm trying to do which is to print my thesis using as few pages as possible (for proof reading purposes). Here is the code and output. But, if you don't care of scaling text in table, I point you to command \resizebox -- it really works as you want, but it scales text respectively. 1 Adjust Box Content. This can be seen as an extension of the \includegraphics macro from images to any (L A)TEX material. It covers the functionality of \resizebox and is also able to center its content. If you’re new to LaTeX, using the toolbar in Visual Editor (option 1) is a great way to get started. However no macros are provided to trim or clip (LA)TEX material, most likely because this operations are not done by TEX but by the output resizebox是一个LaTeX命令,用于调整插入到文档中的图形或表格的大小。它可以使图形或表格适应文本的宽度,或者按照自定义的尺寸进行缩放。使用resizebox命令可以帮助程序员在文档中更好地控制图形和表格的布局,使文档更加整洁、易读。 Dec 8, 2023 · LaTeX format is directly generated as you type. Aug 21, 2022 · A box is the TeX term for an invisible container that can hold a visible element, nothing, or other boxes. I suggest to use a smaller font size or split the equations over multiple lines instead. 2ex 0pt}{A LINE!}%. Compile the following and then compare with the same code where \begin{adjustbox}{width=\textwidth} and \end{adjustbox} are commented. I am a LaTeX beginner so, please, be patient with me. asked Oct 16, 2013 at 9:04. It is commented out which is good but never apply \resizebox to tables, it makes inconsistent font and rule sizes. You have to use the tabular environment inside the \resizebox command and pass the \textwidth command as an argument in this command. 3b – 2022/10/10), This option declares that the content contains of one or more tikzpicture environments. \multicolumn{2}{p{#2}|}{\hskip-\tabcolsep % not the 2. The column space is way too large and resizebox is a bad command in academic or formal articles. stretching far off the page. Create LaTeX tables online : Online tool. For such a wide table you should consider sidewaystable from the rotating package. I reduced to 11pt, which is a quite large font size. plain-tex. <垂直方向の距離>: コンテンツを移動する距離を指定します。. Nov 27, 2022 · \usepackage{graphicx}\resizebox{"horizontal size"}{"vertical size"}{"object"}%Use a ! to scale in proportion Jan 20, 2017 · 1. Likewise queries such as rescale table in minipage or resize table in minipage end up at this answer too. The macros \scalebox, \resizebox and \rotatebox are also provided to apply the corresponding operation on (LA)TEX material, which is subse-quently placed inside a \hbox. This sets multi=tikzpicture,varwidth=false and loads the tikz package. Apr 23, 2019 · I am trying to increase the font size of the text in this Latex table to make it easier to read, while also fitting it to the page using \resizebox. \begin{table}[h] \centering \resizebox{\ Tables. \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{% makes it impossible to set any font size, start by removing that, then you can uae any latex size command you want such as \small or \footnotesize if you need the text to be smaller. \scriptsize%. the & have to be at the top level so can not be in resizebox (and scaling math or text should be avoided in most cases anyway) simply remove the \resizebox here. 例: \raisebox{5mm}{This And, do load the siunitx package and employ that package's S column type for the 25 (not 26) data columns. 4pt in the above MWE). box has both height and depth. Jun 20, 2020 at 12:33. stackexchange. Jan 4, 2015 · Originally, the algorithm is too long to fit in the frame. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[usenames Nov 28, 2016 · then that is the same as. For maximum flexibility, generate the source code to a separate file which you can input from your main document file with the \input command. Apr 23, 2015 · Use the basic tabular environment and scale it up (or down) using \resizebox. Often, tables with large content need to be scaled to ensure they fit within the page. \end{Verbatim} May 22, 2016 · I am writing a document with Latex and I have a table inside. The latter macro scales its main argument to an absolute size. Jun 5, 2021 · Jun 5, 2021 at 17:01. In portrait mode, text is getting too small with the \resizebox command. Can any one help me with this, or is there other way to fit/rescale a multi-line equation? Oct 7, 2018 · 正しくは\resizebox{}環境を用いるべきです。 \columnwidthで横幅ぴっ… 表のサイズの微調整 GUIに依る表の作成 表のサイズの微調整 従来,Latexの表が大きすぎた時 \smallなどのコマンドで表の文字を小さくしてサイズを収めるといったことをしていました。 El formato de este comando es el siguiente: \resizebox {<ancho_deseado>} {!} <entorno tabular que se desea escalar>. This will give better typographical results. The problem is caused by the & inside the matrix, which are handled in a non-standard way by tikz and cause problems when used as argument in other commands. AlexG. – samcarter_is_at_topanswers. – David Carlisle. png}} In beamer figure is not a float but a simple center environment (which you can't put in a horizontal box like \resizebox either as it build as list). For this command to work for multiple equations in align environment we need to put resize box command before every equation written within $$. You can use \depth, \height, \totalheight, and \width to This question is the first one to pop up when searching for: latex scale table in minipage. I realized that I need to set the width of subtable, where the effect of the \resizebox is not there. size. The solution is to replace each & by \& and to put ampersand replacement=\& in matrix options, as in the following code: Oct 26, 2020 · How to resize subtable inside of resizebox? I want to have three-tables side-by-side. if it is possible, don't use resizebox 1. \resizebox{10cm}{!}{\includegraphics{foo. scaling. The table however looks not correct to me, but as you said in comment, it is right for you If you want to use booktabs, you should stick to its design and Nov 5, 2017 · 1. I normally use the \resizebox command using \linewidth as the width parameter, which works well for large tables that Oct 25, 2023 · 1. = second part of the equation. I would also like to suggest that you give your table a more "open" look, by getting rid of all vertical rules and by using fewer, but well-spaced, horizontal rules. 1. 5) but then I noticed the fonts being shrunk. An alternative would be to use the adjustbox package and replace the \resizebox with \begin{adjustbox}{width=\textwidth} . For instance, make the text have a height+depth of a quarter inch with \resizebox*{!}{0. 25in}{\parbox{1in}{This. 9\hsize}{!}{$ 0<a_{1}\leq a(X,t)\leq a_{2}<+\infty, ~~~\forall X \in \Omega;~~~ \eqno(3) $} \end{equation} But when I try to do the same approach for the equation with \eqno it doesn't work, it says you cannot use \eqno in math mode, even if I put the \eqno outside the resizebox it says you can't use \eqno in Note that \resizebox reads the whole table as marco argument which doesn't work with verbatim and some special TikZ matrix code. Instead, it seems when I choose smaller values, it shifts the table further to the right. two lines from the height: \resizebox*{!}{\dimexpr\textheight-2\baselineskip 5. 5in}{This. lw wk ik lo ri xe tx od gn io