Slow rising hcg mumsnet reddit. Aug 26, 2017 · So on Wednesday I went to the EPU as I'd noticed when I wiped the very slightest brown discharge. 2/10- 2,264 HCG. So this is my 4th pregnancy - 2 children 13 and 7 Estimated by period to be 5 weeks 3 da My hCG levels have been the following since: 1st test: 37, 2nd test (2 days later): 41, 3rd test (5 days later): 45, 4th test (7 days later): 52 (2 weeks since first number of 37) I would now be considered 4/5 weeks pregnant if going by the first day of last period (with the 52 hCG). 13dpo - The bleeding never picked up and more or less stopped at this point, so I took a pregnancy test. He told me we would try again in a week. She was born 35w at a healthy weight because of This is my second pregnancy (first was chemical). Betas slow down past a certain point (I believe once they get between 1200 and 6000 they only double every 72-96 hours. I have just had a quick check and it says between 5-426 is normal for 4 weeks. 1 week later my HCG was only at 631 and 1 week after that was 1618. on 3/14 when I was 10 days late and it was negative but my hCG was 77. HCG rates don't always double uniformly every 48 hours. I was shocked to get a positive 2 weeks after the chemical, but afraid it’s not going to end well. So at this point naturally I am feeling like an impending miscarriage, or an ectopic pregnancy, is occurring. Edit to add: had an early ultrasound and gestational sac and yolk sac were seen formed in my uterus, going back next week for another scan. Two days later, I had an ultrasound which revealed a Sep 8, 2022 · To update, 3+5 - HCG 77. Jun 16, 2019 · My HCG bloods are rising but not doubling in 48 hours. These were my recent levels and DR was not worried: 69 Wednesday (13dpo / 3 + 6 weeks) 214 Friday (15dpo / 4 + 1 weeks) I think if they are rising as they should (double) they get high so quickly . I’m now almost 20 weeks pregnant. 2/6- 1 test negative, called for bloodwork. I was told that they look for at least a 50% increase every 48 hours. On Thursday I checked them again a little before the 48 hr mark and they were 6000 something. Here is the timeline, it’s been hectic. I was tested again today and my HCG has risen to 24 which has almost doubled but still really low. Jun 17, 2019 · Hi, I'm new to this page so apologies if I'm doing it wrong. It is now 1400, but again nothing on scan. At 19dpo (friday) my beta was only 49, which is very very low for that many days after DPO. 30am - levels only increased to 396. Slow rising hcg, spotting, and boutique ultrasounds. I have irregular cycle o Feb 6, 2018 · My HCG at 4+4 was 175 and 2 days later was 209. At 3w 5 d it was 43 then two days later at 4w it was 76. 48 hours later it was 516–so doubling time of 56 hours. It could be nothing and you're hormone rise is just slightly slower than average (up to 72 hours for it to double can be considered normal), or it could be an issue. I'm very a Stop putting yourself through blood draws, it’ll just cause stress and more anxiety. My first beta was 286 (I did IVF and this was 11 days past a 5 day transfer—the equivalent of 16dpo). The result is now 3! I'd had IVF and 2 embryos put back, so I guess the bleeding was the second one not making it, or implantation bleeding. If the BHCG is rising then a miscarriage is unlikely. Now, towards the end of what would be my sixth week and 2 days from the previous hCG its 1800. My 1st ultrasound was scheduled for 9/14, and surprisingly we discovered Twins! Nov 8, 2023 · Morning, I am anywhere from 4-6 weeks pregnant. So, my doctor hasn’t called to go over my results I got back yesterday. 9/7: 4212. I went to the EPU on Monday and was told my HCG level was 13 which is super low. Jan 10, 2015 · At 4. itwasalovelydreamwhileitlasted · 18/10/2019 13:25. She reminded me to stay hopeful and keep busy. 30am and levels only increased to 493. Dec 28- hcg was 310 Dec 29- hcg was 410 (taken in emerg due to more spotting). Tomorrow the EPU will contact me again regarding being scanned by a senior member. Aug 14, 2022 · Hi ladies We are trying to conceive baby number 3. I spent the following week in a state of grief and overall sadness. My GP ordered some HCG and Progesterone bloods on Thursday 10/11/22 which came back at 9,358 iu/L and 29 nmol/L (equiv to 9 ng/ml, I am from the UK). 74 2nd beta 48 hours Jul 31, 2017 · Hi all I need advice My hormone levels on Friday were 468 yesterday they were 688. They went to 167. The threshold for 3+ week is 2753. I’m booked in for another scan in a weeks timee but they’re concerned about my HCG levels due to my previous ectopic so I’ve got more bloods in 48 hours and they talked about moving the scan Aug 13, 2012 · BagofHolly · 13/08/2012 10:26. Via ultrasound we’re able to rule out ectopic and able to see a sac but nothing in it as I was too early Jan 03- hcg was 1044 Doctor said it’s not looking good and is sending me for more bloodwork and ultrasound next week. I was at risk of an ectopic but that was ruled out after a scan, when they found what they believed to be a sac in my uterus measuring 5 weeks when I should have been 5+4 but obviously I still had hope. After no fetus was located on ultrasound, the doctor I met with let me know with the low and decreasing HCG that I likely had a blighted ovum, to prepare for miscarriage and basically wiped her hands clean of me. Two days later it rose to over 600 so had to have another scan, everything was clear, nothing to be seen. 9/9: 5776, initially they were concerned because it was rising but not doubling. Search Active discussions Nov 17, 2022 · HCG not doubling / slow rising at 5-6 weeks pregnant. I ought to be way over that at 4+6 if numbers were rising as they should. 5 days and the doctor said it wasn't viable. is there a chance ? I have my ultrasound next week. I had my first beta on 8dp5dt ( 13dpo) and it was: 154. 6. 24th Aug 10,783 28th Aug 11, 900 I'm booked for an ultrasound tomorrow and I'm hoping they find a healthy baby in there. I was hoping for more like 90. My hcg levels are rising but not doubling They have Sep 19, 2021 · MsladyRN21. Went for an ultrasound later and nothing was in the uterus or tubes, but a blood draw later that day showed hcg had risen to 1200. We already have two daughters aged 4 and 2, and we had absolutely no problems conceiving them. Fx for you!! Looking for some stories of slow rising HCG. . Pretty worried and just wondering if anyone had any good outcome stories. With your history and a slow rise, just make sure they are monitoring you and speak up if things feel off! Your doctors are wrong — there is absolutely a concern. My HCG had increased by 60%, which although not doubling is within the healthy range. Seeking both positive and negative outcomes. It is the doubling that is important, but most doctors fixate on the figures increasing over 48 hours, when actually the window can be up to 36 hours. I have been testing all week and positives were staying strong but, because of Mar 25, 2022 · I had my ultrasound today since I’ve been having slow rising hcg levels that didn’t double. Share. I’m unsure what to think as on 4+6, clear blue digital is still reading 2-3 weeks. HCG was reported to be 552 and ultrasound was negative for pregnancy due to it being so early. Nov 2, 2023 · My hcg levels were also slow rising and one midwife told me to prepare for the worst. currently a mum of 1 aged 43. So at this point he said for approx 6 weeks they were very very low. Bookmark. • 8 yr. 4+0 - HCG 200. 1. I had the next beta at 22dpo (monday) , which was 88. 1/26: Got a clearblue digital positive! It wasn't postive the evening before so I'm guessing this means my hcg is ~10. Sep 30, 2011 · On Sept 11th we got our BFP! On Sept 12th my HCG was 116 & my progesterone was 10. Most folks on this sub will probably tell you something similar. Reply. 6 which her doctor said was a little low. Is the bleeding watery as well as brown? That's often a symptom of an ectopic. Following day it was 45, then next day 145 and so it continued. Hello, My wife is a little over 7 weeks pregnant. Everyone's pregnancy is unique, and yours could still progress normally. Tuesday hcg levels - 336. Assumed AF came early. If your levels are still rising, it does suggest an ectopic, but it's complicated by the fact that you can see a tiny sac. I then had a bleed and pains - still bleed Aug 27, 2017 · According to my LMP I am 7 weeks 1 day. Yes you can have high hcg and no bleeding or even pain really - both of my ectopics were live (meaning they had heartbeats) and ruptured at around 17,000. Jan 11, 2019 · Hi, My last pregnancy date was 21/11 I found out I am pregnent on 29/12. 6 weeks and 5 days but slow rising HCG, any advice or personal experiences? Hello there. The dr put me at 6 weeks with a heartbeat of 108 which he Sep 5, 2021 · If you’re only 4 weeks, then the baby’s too small to see on the scan yet, anyway. Apr 1, 2016 · Nobody I have seen so far has mentioned anything about possible outcomes - I only know what I have read about online. With slow rising beta, can it be successful? I got a faint positive in 17-18dpo. Anyone had success with numbers like this? Slow rising HCG. Could have definitely ovulated late, but according to apps I Timeline: 9dpo - Negative beta (I was at the ER for a separate issue and they happened to run my betas) 11dpo - Started spotting/lightly bleeding. 6! Perfect! (5w+1) On Sept 16th my HCG was 755 & Progesterone was 21. I am trying to set myself up mentally to prepare for another miscarriage. i am 6 weeks pregnant with slow rising hcg levels. They also say that with a double transfer it can be a case of a vanishing twin - where initially you had two implant but one didn't make it. Some women have slow rising HCG, and will have a healthy pregnancy. pregnancyconfusion · 24/09/2023 17:40. 9/2: 1695. Feb 25, 2022 · I had another internal scan and he said he was 100 percent sure the mass was a cyst and not an ectopic pregnancy and to have bloods done and repeat in 48 hours. I had my bloods drawn at 4w5d & HCG was 6180. my last period was around 22nd/24 June They are going up but not Jan 25, 2007 · My first bloodwork was done on the 12/18 showing hcg level 1132, then 12/20: 1194 HCG level, then 12/22: 2675 HCG My doctor says levels are borderl Aug 28, 2019 · Had a trans-vaginal ultrasound and there was a gestational sac in the uterus, measuring at 5w 2d. 2/1- 3 tests, all positive. been having hcg tests from 2nd week which were 2nd week. Since 12/28/23, everything was normal until I had some bleeding earlier this week. 1 reply. Your doubling time is slow. I had my HCG retested and it is only slowly rising. Dec 22, 2023 · Positive hCG after 2 week wait, however low at 69, a week later it was 600+, then a week from there 1500. The shock result though was my progesterone shot up to 28. and 3 miscarr Oct 4, 2023 · Just looking for any positive stories. Oct 14, 2019 · Report. I won't know until my ultrasound on Tuesday. Two days later they did another HCG and it came back at 8217, about 40 hours after the first. Also, at a hcg level of 822, that baby had cardiac activity which is unheard of outside of a genetic issue. HCG blood results so far: 13dpo - 51 16dpo - 174 18dpo - 601 23dpo - 2044 25dpo - 2641 HCG started off rising well but the last 2 have shown a significant slow in rate. In week 4, my HCG went from 65 to 88 (about 35%) in a period of 2. I started progesterone suppositories right away. Having some bleeding that’s now lasted over 7 days. 48 hours after that, it was 892, which is a doubling time of 60 hours. I forget the exact number. No yolk or fetal pole detected. Redid bloods on 13th 8. I have seen plenty of successful pregnancies with a slow rising hcg, but also know I myself experienced having a concept of when I ovulated based on my short cycle length (23-25 days and it can vary in there but never longer or shorter than that) and charting my periods. So I was in the ER last Friday because I had some spotting (not heavy enough to soak a pad in an hour and no clots) and while I was there they drew blood and my HCG came back at only 40 (which puts me at only being 3 weeks pregnant which is entirely possible because I got pregnant right after coming off the pill) I had a follow Slow rising hcg help. around 4-6 weeks I think. 1 Had bleeding on 4/19-4/20 that has since stopped. The doubling rule for HCG is not 48 hours. 2/8- 2,187 HCG. Then 1800 two days later. My story. I asked for progesterone when I bled and it stopped. Hello, i had slow rising Hcg levels in my last pregnancy, i would google all the time about it. Monday - positive test Saturday - Period like bleeding sta May 12, 2020 · Long story short, my HCG levels are slowly rising: 26th April = 32 28th April = 52 30th April = 52 7th May = 79 I had a scan and nothing can be seen at all (good or bad) because the hcg levels are so low. My LMP was 11/24/23. 5. 7/22-32 7/24-42 7/26-80 7/26-92 7/29- 168 8/2-237 8/5-341 I go back tomorrow for another blood draw. (Very early) I had a blood test 2 days ago (10th oct) the hcg results were 9. I am currently what I think is 6/40 pregnant. Jan 11, 2018 · I had a blood test hcg was over 400, can’t remember exact number. She explained everything was out of my control and what will be will be. My doctor wants to wait 2 weeks and do an ultrasound but Oct 23, 2021 · Hi all. I have no idea when I ovulated. I really don't know what to think or do! I know the low hcg and slow rise isn't good, so trying not to get my hopes up, but this waiting is painful. I took plan B 2-3 days later. Has anyone experience anything similar and what was the outcome? The stress is getting the better of me 😞 May 15, 2023 · HCG 167 Progesterone 175 I've had more bloods today (4 days later), and unfortunately they haven't increased as I would hope: HCG 288 Progesterone 140 Do you think this is signs of MC or ectopic? Any advice welcome Sep 16, 2021 · 👋 I’m new here I’ve had 1 ectopic pregnancy in 2019 after the birth of my son plus 2 more ectopic pregnancies before my son was born. On 17dpo, I started to bleed bright red blood (mixed with white discharge). I have used Clearblue digital and showed 1-2 weeks. LMP 12/26. ER doc drew blood around 10:30 & then did transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound. By 12 weeks it will actually start to drop down. I had a blood test which said the levels were low but they suspected early pregnancy. Threatened miscarriage and slow rising hcg. I had slow rising HCG proceeded to be low HCG from 7 weeks to the end of my pregnancy. Nov 23, 2011 · I had very slow rising HcG levels, and at 5 weeks they were only 730. Feb 7, 2010 · Hi all, I had routine blood tests done on 18th January 2010 as doctor wondered if i may have PCOS Two days later i got the wonderful news that i w Apr 30, 2019 · Hi, I need some advise, I had a positive pregnancy test on the 14th April clear blue showing 1-2 weeks. This is upsetting, naturally. Yes! My HCG was 29 and I was already spotting and told to expect the worst. You’re not going to see a baby there before 6 weeks even if it’s in the right place. Your actual HCG for dpos (even if off a couple days) is very low. 12/8/23. Had them taken again this morning, 48 hours later, at precisely 5w & it has risen to 9182. The most important thing here is that it doubles in 48 -72 hours. Nov 13, 2023 · I had similar percentage increases, it seems like the 48 hour doubling is quite an old school of thought and around 60% increase over 48 hours with 48-72 hour doubling is acceptable. I’ve called 3 times 🥲 looking for some guidance. ) Either way based on your numbers alone I wouldn’t panic and trust me, I get the anxiety. First HCG was 1983 and second was 2405. He explained that I’m having a chemical pregnancy and although he didn’t say it, he implied that I might later on miscarry. one pregnancy my hcg was rising fine, then I had some bleeding, went to the ER and my hcg went from 654 to 600. Keep it real; hcg levels: 4/19: 15. Jan 6, 2024 · Hi there, I just wanted to share my story and also get any success stories. 5! (5w+2) Everything is looking good! September 20th HCG is 2423! (5w+6) Awesome! Apr 28, 2017 · Hello I am currently pregnant, not sure how far as I conceived straight after a miscarriage. Does anyone have any personal experience with slow Jun 10, 2023 · BagelO · 10/06/2023 22:56. Your hcg is not slow. High enough that you should be having scans and not measuring hcg. Last week I experienced some concerning symptoms (brown spotting, stringy clots, and cramping) for which I was seen at EPU. They mentioned they suspect ectopic/non viable pregnancy. Feb 27, 2022 · I'm so sorry to hear that. They’ll want to play it safe though, hence the reason they’ll keep scanning. 4 4/25: 38. The next test, about 5 days later, it was up into the 300s! I'm now at 11w and the baby looks good so far. With my next pregnancy they were closely monitoring me and my hcg wasn't doubling. 4 4/21: 19. Next day, 7/19/2022 - received a call from primary care doc who said they reviewed notes Feb 12, 2010 · So, after the scan that showed nothing I had yet another blood test yesterday. 3% increase) My ultrasound today showed an intrauterine pregnancy measuring 6 weeks (so right on track) with a heartbeat, but it's too faint to measure. messofletters. 9 (both on the low end of normal). 7. I am currently 6 wks 5 days. Usually with an ectopic there's a mismatch between the HCG levels and the size of what can be seen. May 15, 2022 · They also said my hcg levels were low at 360. My beta HCG has moved as following: 14dpo - 102 16dpo - 331 18dpo - 447 20dpo - 629. My levels were at 3352. I am on HCG injections (weekly, first one was at 14 dpo), Progesterone, and steroids to help my body “accept” the fetus. They admitted me to hospital and told me it wasn't viable. 4+4 - HCG 1905. Feeling a bit worried. Thanks, Implantation bleeding is actually fairly rare. On Friday 11/11/22 Oct 18 - 822 mIU/mL Oct 20 - 1033 mIU/mL (24. While it's natural to worry, try not to assume the worst. My hcg doubled every 48 hours with one of my ectopics. Apr 5, 2022 · My bloods have been taken every other day 48 hours apart for the last 8 days 95 ml 113ml 168ml 296ml I was wondering if anyone else had experienced Your hcg is perfectly fine. Which is a 48% rise in 48 hours. Apr 20, 2024 · My doctor has told me to prepare for the worst, I’m in shock. 2013 I started trying to conceive, fell Oct 13, 2023 · I’m around 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant today. from 4300 to 4500 in 4 days. In need of some insight or words of some sort - 09/13 last period, had some spotting 10/11 and 10/12, 10/17 positive home test, beta 1: 10/18 1,029. Sep 24, 2023 · Slow rising HCG. She got her HCG tested yesterday and they were at 20k. I am terrified of having an ectopic pregnancy, and I'm not due back to the hospital for two weeks to have more bloods done. I am not having any miscarriage symptoms. Although I may have ovulated late. Doc checked my cervix etc it was closed everything Mar 31, 2022 · Private messages My feed My Lists May 24, 2018 · The nurse confirmed the level, which was 31 (no wonder my HPTs couldn’t pick it up because of very low levels) and also spoke to my FS that day who told me not to be hopeful. Thursday hcg levels- 468. Sad. Positive. Mar 11, 2021 · Hello After a double embryo transfer, we were delighted to get a BFP. I had no risk factors or symptoms, but my hcg was low and slow rising at the start. Had blood test repeated and the dr said levels rising so pregnant but been told today they aren’t doubling. I went in took a urine test at the dr. Sep 16, 2020 · ForeverHopeful17 · 16/09/2020 15:58. My HCG levels seem to be rising very slowly. The doctor told me to call him once I start bleeding 4-5 days passed and I asked to redo my bloodwork, I went and it was 72 Still very low . Hi ladies, I found out that I was pregnant on Sunday after what I thought was AF (way to heavy for an implantation bleed). By the end of the day it’s practically nonexistent. I had one previous pregnancy 4 years ago with no complications that ended in live birth. ago. Jul 15, 2023 · Slow rising hcg 1 reply Tulip292 · 15/07/2023 15:50 Hi, I know there may have been quite a few similar posts previously, but I was just interested in hearing other Nov 19, 2023 · Fast forward this week I've had three bloods tests to monitor my hcg 13/11 hcg 70 15/11 hcg 104 17/11 hcg 114 They've mentioned I'm not showing symptoms of ectopic at the moment but it could well be a non viable pregnancy. You could just be closely to 4 weeks. My HCG was 5347. 4 days later I went for more blood work and my HCG went back up a bit! I went back for blood work again yesterday and it's up even A slower increase in HCG isn't always indicative of a problem. Mar 15, 2021 · Hcg stopped rising properly at 5 weeks then saw heartbeat and had growth etc but had a loss at 8w4 days. Beta 2: 10/20 1,350 and then beta 3 I was able to locate my ectopic pregnancy at 400 hcg, but most often, nothing can be visualized until 1-2k hcg or greater. keep us updated and sending positivity 🙏. 5 weeks mine were only 58. Last Tuesday I had my HCG levels checked and they were 3972. I bled for 8 days and got Called in for another scan and blood test today to check hcg has gone down. It’s really only useful to measure hcg early in pregnancy. Looking for stories of hope after a torturous week of slow rising HCG numbers. Jun 28, 2022 · Anyone got any good out comes with low rising hcg. Newer, more reliable data shows that in early pregnancy, HCG levels can rise as minimally as 53% every 48 hours Feb 15, 2015 · Hi all, ive been taking just folic acid for the past 5 weeks (i am 6 weeks pregnant) i bought them as soon as i found out as we weren't trying for a b Aug 7, 2022 · Hi, I had a frozen transfer of a 5 days blastocyst on the 28th of a July. Now have to repeat bloods again tomorrow and go from there. ER doc said threatened miscarriage or pregnancy could continue as normal. Unf May 1, 2021 · So I've had a bfp following ivf, clinic done bloods on Weds and confirmed pregnancy and I've also done a frer which showed a dark line - the darkest I Jun 21, 2021 · cookielove · 21/06/2021 19:28. In 6 days my HCG rose from 370 to 3400, then in a further 48 hours it rose to 5000 (can’t remember the exact figure but she said it was 63%). Redid bloods today 25th at 9. Help! Hi all! I am hoping to get some wisdom from you all and see if anyone has experiencing something similar before. About a week ago, I had a scan for some bleeding and they couldn't see anything. amagdam. Come to find out that slow rising numbers can be an ectopic, blighted ovum (I had one of those too), and triploidies of maternal origin. But apparently not accurately enough, because again, here we are!!! anchyd. It’s usually heaviest in the morning and only when I wipe, and then it fades throughout the day. And today (5 days after the last one) my HGC was only at 14404. My level rose to 609 on 3/20. Hi, Just looking for other people's experiences really. There are women who have slow rising Hcg and go on to have healthy babies too tho. She was confirmed to have no heartbeat about a week later at almost 8 weeks. Had a 26 week loss in March due to PPROM and a chemical last month. That rule was established well before more studies/data came out revealing more information about HCG levels but that rule still exists out there and it definitely causes a lot of anxiety. Wishing you the best. It began doubling appropriately around 25 DPO and I got to 3400 by 30. I had another blood tes Jun 18, 2009 · Mumsnet Logo. 2dpo: 42 14dpo: 80 16dpo: 126 18dpo: 224 20dpo: 307 Today’s was most concerning- only a 37% rise. 2/13- 2,692 HCG. I called my doctor and ended up getting a blood test. . If you do some reddit searches with these hcg numbers, you will see hundreds of women with similar experiences. Aug 29, 2023 · I had a bit of bleeding yesterday afternoon that only happened once. I have experience with both outcomes. They told me I was miscarrying, but my HCG kept rising. All I can say is one very lovely midwife spent a lot of time reassuring me. TMI but on 3/21 I had basically had sex for the first time since finding out I was pregnant the next day 3/22 I had brown spotting and then some red went to the Dr. My Hcg levels were slow rising as well. The doctor is concerned because they are supposed to double every couple of days. Last Friday she got her HCG lvls tested and they were at 15k but her progesterone was 9. My RE is telling me that this ultrasound is a really good sign and that things are looking good, but my research suggests that even given today's Aug 1, 2021 · I bled for 1 week and passed clots. I am 6w 5d based off lmp. I had a miscarriage on 11/9 and got pregnant unexpectedly again right after. Betas stop doubling every two days once it reaches a certain point like, around 1200 so you’re wayyy beyond that. I just need some extra insite Sunday March 12th I went into the er for light bleeding believed to be between 5 and 6 weeks, I had a pretty rough yeast infection and didn't know if the light bleeding was from that or a miscarriage they tested my hcg and it came out to 588 at 10pm that evening, they did an internal ultrasound said the sac looked good I was measuring about 5 weeks but baby was to May 10, 2021 · Active discussions Notifications Private messages Threatened miscarriage and slow rising HCG. Yours has about a 50% increase rather 100%, which is why they're doing further investigation. 1st HCG- 162 2nd HCG- 304 3rd HCG- 434 4th HCG- 704 All HCGs were about 48 hours apart except last one was 72. I have also had two small episodes of spotting -that doesn’t wholly worry me as it could be to do with implantation but coupled with the slow rising HCG it worries me more. It didn't double , not even in 72hours. I had one episode of bleeding so they decided to check my levels. that same day at my levels were at 781. The hospital don't know what's going on and can't explain my results. It could also be a sign of an ectopic, so if you have any symptoms head over to the ER immediately. I've personally had an experience where my HCG didn't double as expected, but no cramps or spotting either. Aug 22, 2023 · Hcg should, on average, double every 48 hours. The fertility centre have warned me that 'its likely not going to be ok' as the hCG rise is far to slow and low. It's not definitive but i would definitely get checked out to see what's happening, and repeat the HCG test. Bled for a couple days. On Sept 15th my HCG was 495. However, I know when this pregnancy was created. Jun 8, 2023 · There's been a good increase. I'd advocate for an early ultrasound as soon as your levels are high enough- they can usually visualize something when hcg is 1500 or higher. we kq rk bv eg yk at wj us ax